End of Year is Here! - Get Your End of Year Gifts Before It's Too Late


It happens literally every year, and yet somehow still seems to come as a surprise. The end of the year is here again, which means it’s time to get your gift giving game in gear (also your alliteration game).

But, do we really need to give End of Year gifts? Does it really even matter?

Yes, you do. Because, yes, it does.

Regardless of what industry or field your business happens to focus on, at the end of the day you’re in the people business. It doesn’t matter what you’re buying or selling, what makes your business succeed or fail are your customers and your employees. Because of this, it is incredibly important to make these people feel recognized and appreciated. And, a great way to do that is with personalized end of year gifts that go the extra mile.


When it comes to personalized gifts, the only limit is your imagination. Our in-house equipment allows us to either engrave or print on just about any item. Which means your personalized gifts can be something unique that’s relevant to your business, rather than just choosing from one of the same limited options as everyone else. So, let your creativity run wild. We’ve got the gear and the experience to keep up.

Not sure where to start? It’s ok, we get it! Gift giving, especially when you’re trying to decide what gift to give, can be extremely stressful. But, don’t worry. We’re here for you. CONTACT US and tell us a little bit about your situation. We’ll work with you to help create the perfect End of Year gifts your customers will love.

An End of Year gift can be the difference between turning a one time customer into a lifelong one, so don’t blow them off as just a trivial chore. End of Year gifts are a chance for your business to stay in the forefront of your clients’ thoughts going into the new year.

An End of Year gift is both a strong impression of your customer service, as well as an invaluable marketing tool for your business. Because of this, it is important to take special care when selecting exactly what gift you’re going to give. You want people to be texting their friends to rave about the End of Year customer appreciation gift they received from your business (and spreading the word about you and your brand). Not calling their friends to make jokes about the last time someone actually gave a fruitcake as a gift. (besides on a TV show). The way to accomplish that is to stop giving lame gifts. (It sounds simple. Because it is simple.) Ask yourself: “if I were my clients, would I be excited to receive this gift?”

-If the answer is Yes: Congratulations! You’ve already found an awesome End of Year gift! Let’s get started personalizing them!

-If the answer is No: No worries! You’ve come to the right place. Let’s get started designing the perfect End of Year gifts for your business.

Whatever your business, whatever your budget, Engrave It Houston has an End of Year gift solution that will help turn one-time customers into lifelong customers; and lifelong customers into active advocates for your business. Our vast collection of in-house equipment means we can handle pretty much anything the job may call for. We can’t go back in time to help with the End of Year Gifts you’ve already given, but we can help with the ones you’ll be giving from now on. So, get in touch with us. We’re excited to work with you.

Just don’t wait too long. The only thing worse than giving a lame End of Year gift, is forgetting to give one at all.