Custom Story of the Week - The Golden Gift

 A gentleman named Chris walked into our office one day last month with a large piece of cedar. When I say large I mean LARGE! It was a slab that measured 19" x 40" and was 2" thick. His family wanted to make a special Golden Anniversay gift for his mother and father. 

He spoke with Carol at our office and he explained that he wanted a gift that was personal and unique. He wanted a tree engraved on one end of the wood, a brass plate with a saying in the center, and a shovel on the opposiite end. The tree represented the family and the strong root system that he and his siblings had been given. The shovel was the one that his father's father had used while in the World War and represented the heritage that had been passed down. The plate you can read for yourself. When I asked  Chris if he wrote the words he told me he had taken 3 sayings and merged them to make his own.


We created a video of making the tree that you can view by clicking on the picture below. It is a little long but it took us several hours over two days to do. It's a little over 7 minutes long.

I've provided a couple of pictures below to show you the detail we were able to create by using the laser.

I hope you watch the video. Our guys were real craftsmen on this job and they were really excited when it was finished. We love doing these projects and having it make a real impact on the receiver of the gift. Bring us your custom engraving ideas and we will help you make it a reality.


Well that's our story for this week and it comes with a happy ending. Last weekend Darryl and Barbie received their golden anniversay gift and they loved it! Until next time, Enjoy Life!